Profound Psychotherapy

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5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Tool

This is an excellent grounding tool to use when you have nightmares and flashbacks and feel scared and ungrounded. It will help you to become aware of your surroundings and present moment. It reminds you that you are safe now; you had a nightmare or flashback, but as of right now, at this moment, you are safe, and the danger is over. You can practice this tool almost anywhere, while standing in line, at your desk, or even while you garden.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Tool is helpful

  • to practice mindfulness

  • to manage trauma-related symptoms such as flashbacks and nightmares

  • to manage stress, worry, and anxiety

Tips for 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Tool

  • You can move around to more easily see, touch, hear, smell and taste things.

  • If you are pushed for time, skip the breathing part.

  • In this exercise, we mostly focus on things OUTSIDE of the body; in other grounding tools, you might focus on sensations and feelings inside the body. After trauma, the body does not always feel safe, and grounding tools focused on what’s inside of the body can remind you of trauma and be upsetting. The purpose of this exercise is to become aware only of your surroundings, which will enforce the idea you are safe now.

  • Adjust this exercise to what feels comfortable for you. There is no right or wrong way of doing this.

  • Inhale through your nose and slowly exhale through the mouth.


  • Start with three slow breaths.

  • Starting with your eyes, name five things you can see—for example, a table, flower, computer, coffee maker, and a ball.

  • Mention four things you can feel - for example, feet in your socks, the chair pressing against your back, the carpet, your hand touching the ball.

  • Name three things you can hear—for example, the furnace, traffic, birds singing.

  • Name two things you can smell—for example, coffee and your hair.

  • Name one thing you can taste—for example, bubblegum.

  • End with three slow breaths.

  • Remind yourself you are safe by gently saying, “I am safe.”

Script for 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Tool

Let’s begin by taking three deep belly breaths in. And in, slowly out through the nose. Another one in, slowly out. And one more before we start.

 5 - Sight

We will start with sight by naming five things you can see. For example, I see a table; I see a plant… Take your time and say them out loud.

When you’re done, take a deep breath in…slowly release it.

 4 - Touch

Next, pay attention to your touch and name four things that you can feel. For example, you could say, I feel my feet in my socks, I feel the hair on the back of my neck, I feel the chair pressing against my back. Go ahead, say out loud what you feel.

Take a deep breath in…slowly release it.

 3 - Sound

Listen for 3 sounds. You can say, I hear the AC or furnace, I hear dogs barking. I hear the sound of traffic outside. Go ahead, say it out loud.

When you’re ready, take a deep breath in…let it go.

 2 - Smell

Now, mention two things you can smell. Remember, you can move around to smell it.  Say it out loud, I smell coffee, and I smell the lotion on my hands.

Take a deep breath in…slowly release it.

 1 - Taste

Lastly, mention one thing can taste. It may be mint gum or even water. Say it out loud.

As we end this exercise, take three deep belly breaths in. And in, let it go. Another one in slowly releases it. And one more…  As you allow your breathing to return to normal.  

Remind yourself you are safe by gently saying, I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.